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Code page 1252, Generic (SYSTEM_1252) This is the collation table for code page 1252 databases with SYSTEM collation, and for Unicode databases with SYSTEM_1252_ territory collation, where territory is not DK, FI, IS, NO, or SE. Table 1. Characters in code page 1252 in ascending sort order and their Unicode equivalents. Code page 1252. Code page 1252 is built on ISO 8859-1 but uses the range 0x80-0x9F for extra printable characters rather than the C1 control codes from ISO 6429 mentioned by ISO 8859-1. Some of the others are based in part on other parts of ISO 8859 but often rearranged to make them closer to 1252.

Codepage 1252

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Even though Windows-1252 is almost identical to ISO-8859-1, it has never been an ANSI or ISO standard. This is not a real fix because it changes the code in the question. But if the reason to use codepage 1252 is reading/writing characters of ISO-8859-1 then one could replace it by 28591 which is included in .NET Core without adding a CodePages package: docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/… The command to change the codepage is chcp .


Codepage 1252

Die Windows-Codepage 1252 (Win CP 1252) ist vor allem in West-Europa und Nordamerika sehr weit verbreitet. Sie ist auch unter der Bezeichnung "Windows Latin-1" bekannt.

The intention was that these character sets would be ANSI standards like ISO-8859-1. Even though Windows-1252 is almost identical to ISO-8859-1, it has never been an ANSI or ISO standard. This is not a real fix because it changes the code in the question.
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Codepage 1252

If you can’t access your registry, restore it from the backup taken in … 2018-11-15 Find answers to <%@LANGUAGE= JAVASCRIPT CODEPAGE= 1252 %> appears in Mozilla from the expert community at Experts Exchange Solved: <%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> … NOTE: Code page is an outdated method for character encoding, yet it is still in use.

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However, when you do change the setting via the Control Panel, you do pick the setting by way of a specific locale. Windows-1252 o CP-1252 es una codificación de caracteres del alfabeto latino, usada por defecto cuando unicode no se usa en los componentes oficiales de Microsoft Windows en inglés y en algunos lenguajes occidentales. Windows-1252 has several characters, punctuation, arithmetic and business symbols assigned to these code points. Typical Problems.

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Windows-1252 – Wikipedia

Die Windows-Codepage 1252 - Sonderzeicheneingabe Auf der Tastatur nicht vorgesehene Sonderzeichen als Tastenkombination eingeben. Stand der Bearbeitung: Mo., 03.04.2006. Die Windows-Codepage 1252 (Win CP 1252) ist vor allem in West-Europa und Nordamerika sehr weit verbreitet. Sie ist auch unter der Bezeichnung "Windows Latin-1" bekannt. 2019-06-07 · For example, you might author the files in Windows-1252 because your main office is in Redmond, Washington, but you then send the file to your Japanese office, and their code page is 932.